New Bike Lock Info

I just did some additional research on bike locks and really learned a lot in the process. Personally I have always just used a couple of different cable style locks. One with a key and one with a combination.

These locks are really convienent but I just found out that they are probably the least secure and that the U-Lock styles are much more secure and can still be pretty convienent also.

I’ve already written quite a bit about this on the Bicycle Locks Page (here)  so I’m not going to repeat all of that here but if you’re in the market for bike locks you might want to at least check the basic bike security info that I wrote up from my research.

I don’t think that I included the brand names on the bike lock page (I’ll have to update that when I get a chance) but I discovered that a couple of the good brands out there are Kryptonite, OnGuard, Thule and Masterlock.

It really is important to use a lot of common sense when it comes to bike security and you should lock your bike (to something) and remove the removable items even if you leave your bike unattended for a short amount of time.