LifeCORE Airbike Released – High Quality, Affordable Fan Bike

Yes, this is the week for new Fan Bikes to hit the market. I just found out about the totally new LifeCORE Airbike LS-XT a few days ago and it has just become available on the LifeCORE Fitness website.

Lifecore Airebike LS-XT

LifeCORE Airbike LS-XT

The LifeCORE Airbike is a Dual Action Fan Bike  that is very affordable (currently selling for $499) and gives you a high quality alternative to the original Schwinn Airdyne Fan Bikes.

The Lifecore Airbike comes with an electronic console and a generous Lifetime Warranty on the frame. This fan bike gives you a good upper and lower body aerobic workout with a comfortable, smooth and stable ride.

I had just learned that Lifecore Fitness had supplied the LifeCORE Airbike to the CrossFit organization to be used with their intense workout routines. The Airbike held up just fine in this demanding environment and the people at Crossfit were very impressed.

To find out more about the LifeCORE Airbike (or the Crossfit program) see the LifeCORE Airbike LS-XT Review.