New Proform Tour de France, TDF Gen2 Released ~ Lower Price on Gen1

There is some big news in the Indoor Cycle world with the Proform Tour de France Indoor Cycle. Proform has just recently released Gen2 of the TDF Indoor Cycle and they have dropped the price on the Proform TDF Gen1 model.

Proform Tour de France Indoor Cycle

Proform Tour de France, TDF

This is great news for anyone looking for a Tour de France workout and relief from the potential boredom of indoor workout routines. You now have 2 Proform TDF Bikes to choose from. You can select the new upgraded, Gen2, model which includes Handlebar Shifters, an Upgraded Console with a Power Meter and a Fully Adjustable Saddle or the original Gen1 model for $200 less than the Gen2 model and $200 less than it was selling for last month and earlier this month.

We have had the Proform Tour de France bike on our site from the beginning, when it was released last summer just prior to the Tour de France (the actual race). Our visitors have loved this bike but until now they only had the Gen1 model available and for some time now it has been $200 to $400 more expensive than it is now.

When you are ready for an exciting new workout routine, see our Proform Tour de France Review. We have links to the latest Gen1 and Gen2 models at the lowest prices, our professional review and relevant customer reviews.