Rode 5 New Trails in One Day!

Back in June a friend and I decided that we would ride the Military Ridge Trail west from near Madison, Wisconsin.

Bike Trail Roundabout, Madison

We only got about 3 miles or so and ran into a highway underpass that was badly flooded from the many storms that we had at that time.

So we turned around and headed east on the Military Ridge Trail instead. This turned out to be a great ride and after a few miles we came to the Bike Trail Roundabout intersection shown in the photo here.

I had never seen anything like this before. Actually I do not think that there are many of these bike trail roundabouts in this country! When I did a Google search I saw one in Holland, of course but that is a huge biking country and just about everyone there rides bikes.

Anyway, I believe that the Bike Trail Roundabout is in Madison but it is right where the towns of Madison and Fitchburg meet so it could be in Fitchburg.

The Bike Trail Roundabout is like a regular automobile roundabout, or traffic circle except it is an intersection of bike trails. In this case it is where 5 different bike trails meet.  The trails are 1) The Badger State Trail, 2) The Cannonball Path, 3) The Southwest Path, 4) The Military Ridge Trail and 5) The Capital City Trail. WOW!

So even though our ride west on the Military Ridge Trail was cut short it was probably more interesting discovering all of these trails anyway.

Our ride was primarily on the Military Ridge Trail and the Cannonball Trail but we also rode a little ways on the Badger State Trail and did very short rides on the Capital City Trail and another trail that we found in Verona, Wisconsin called the Ice Age Trail.

I didn’t really know what a great biking area Madison is and that there were so many good trails there. I’m sure I will be going back to ride more of them.

I did not get a lot of photos of these trails but I did get some and I just completed the trail pages on this website for these trails.

See The Military Ridge Trail pages and The Cannonball Path pages , on this website, for the photos and ride stories for these 2 trails. I also took a Google Photo Sphere photo at the Bike Roundabout which has a link on these bike trail pages also.

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