Old Plank Road Trail Ride

We found a really nice south western Chicagoland bike trail this past fall and I am finally getting around to posting the last of the 2015 riding season photos and ride reports. Old Plank Road Trail Arc h in Frankfort

It is looking like 2016 riding season will be here real soon now (with these 60s in February!) so I’ll be busy riding and collecting new photos and trail information soon.

Anyway, as you can see from this blog post title, we rode the Old Plank Road Trail (OPRT) this past fall (in October). We rode a total of 44 miles on the OPRT and on the trail through the Hickory Creek Preserve but we were just a little early for the new trail extension that they just completed that now connects the OPRT with the Thorn Creek Trail (in case you want to add even more miles to your ride on these trails).

This trail is paved and mostly straight (east and west mostly) and flat although if you want a hilly, curvy ride, the trail that goes through the Hickory Creek Preserve will give you that.

I have ridden many more trails north and west of Chicago and in Wisconsin than I have in the southern Chicagoland area but there are some good trails Down South too! I also like exploring new areas too.

So for a very nice trail south and west of Chicago ~ between Joliet and Chicago Heights ~ check out the Old Plank Road Trail.

For the Maps, including the GPS map of our ride and for the photos and ride report, see our new Old Plank Road Trail pages here.

Stay tuned for the New 2016 Trails and Ride Reports coming soon…

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