Chain O’Lakes Trails Ride Report and Photo Pages

I actually rode two Chain O’Lakes trails with a friend back in June but just completed the ride report and trail photo pages this weekend (hey what can I say, I’ve been out riding a lot 🙂 ). Chain O'Lakes Trail in Grant Woods.

We rode the Chain O’Lakes trail that runs through Grant Woods forest preserve near Fox Lake first then drove up to Chain O’Lakes State Park (a little further northwest of Grant Woods) and rode the trails through the park.

I would liked to have ridden from the first trail to the state park trail but could not find a decent route between the two trails so we did an extra bike packing and drove to the state park trail.

Both of these trails are crushed stone and have some fairly steep hills. The trails were in pretty good shape except for a few ruts and washed out places on the state park trail.

These trails are not very long so you can easily ride one or even both of them, as we did, in a day and still have time left over for side trips or whatever else you would like to do.

We took a little side trip to the northern shore of Long Lake and rode around the residential area there during our first ride in Grant Woods. We also took a side trip through some Neighborhoods near Fox Lake where I used to hang out a lot when I was younger.

I have included the bike trail information, ride report and photos in the ever growing list of bike trail pages on this website now. See the Chain O’Lakes Trails pages for the full story and photos.

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