Road Bike Rider in the Snow and Photo Stuff

I just wanted to mention an unusual kind of thing that I saw this weekend when I was out on the bike trail behind my house working on a Photoshop project that I wanted to try for my personal FB profile picture (also an unusual kind of thing).

I was out on the bike trail with my camera, a mirror and a tri-pod in order to get this in-camera-lens photo that I tried one other time on a birthday card. Fortunately there was no one else out there because of all of the snow on the trail since I think my situation would have looked pretty quirky to anyone else that might have been there. Road Bike on Trail in the Snow

Well, I shouldn’t say no one else was out there because after I finished my photo project and as I was packing up my stuff this cyclist on a road bike rode by! There was a good few inches of snow on the trail and this guy was on a road bike with very skinny tires (and was managing to stay vertical).

As this cyclist was riding by I said “wow, in the snow?”. All he said was “this wasn’t planned“. I have no idea what that meant or how he could have been on his bike on a bike trail and it not being planned but that’s what he said.

As he was riding off into the distance I realized that I had my camera right there and that this is something I should have a photo of. So I got a photo of this rider as he was going up a fairly steep hill on this trail.

The photo that I have included above uses the “in-camera-lens” effect that I was working on out on the trail and the photo of the bike rider (within the camera lens). I’ve included the larger blowup of this photo so you can see it better if you click on the photo.

Well, I completed the Photochopping for my FB profile picture, uploaded that and I got quite a few comments and likes on the photo effect (even though it had a picture of me in it too 🙂 ).

I don’t want to overuse this effect but I think that I am going to update the About-Bicycles Facebook page to use something like this too soon.

BTW: if you do a LIKE on our FB page (the link above) then you will also get notifications when there are updates to this blog since I have it set to update the FB page whenever I do a blog post here. Or you could even read the blog posts out on FB if you prefer.

If you would like to know how this is done in Photoshop (it’s not difficult) just post a reply here or send me an email and I’ll give you the details.