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Spinner® Sport Spin Bike (Indoor Cycle) Review

Spinner® Sport, the original design for home spinning bikes, has proven to be an excellent design for indoor cycling, serious indoor training and workouts and the Spinner® Sport Bike is a good low cost choice for this type of fitness bike. Spinner Sport Indoor Cycle

One of the big advantages that you get with this particular spin bike, that you do not usually with other spinning bikes in this price range, get are the spinning DVDs that are included with the bike.

Indoor cycles or spinning bikes, such as the Spinner® Sport by Spinner, are upright exercise bikes that are mostly mechanical, use friction based resistance mechanisms and provide easy access to unlimited resistance levels. 

Note: The Spinner® Sport Indoor Cycle is sold out (was selling at for $499 at Wal-mart, with FREE shipping options).

Please see our Exercise Bike Ratings page for the latest fitness bikes that are available online.

I had a chance to test the Spinner® Sport recently and this is a solid, no frills fitness bike that can be easily adjusted to any level of workout. As with most indoor cycles, you simply adjust the resistance level with a simple turn of the resistance knob above the wheel.

This spin bike is completely mechanical (as most indoor cycles are). There are no electronics for resistance and there is no console to monitor your workouts (speed, time, calories burned, heart rate, etc.). This keeps the design very straight forward and keeps maintenance requirements down but if you are looking for an indoor cycle with a console, you will need to select another model.

About-Bicycles Review:

The Spinner® Sport Spinning Bike is an excellent low cost indoor cycle that comes with a great set of spinning DVDs. This bike is all mechanical so If you prefer an indoor cycle with a console (and can afford the extra cost) we would suggest the Livstrong LS9.9IC.

Although we were not able to find much information on the manufacturer "Spinner" and their warranty is not very good, the online customer reviews of this product suggest this is a very good quality indoor cycle.

Customer Reviews:

4 out of 5 starsThere are plenty of reviews of the Spinner® Sport Indoor Cycle to be found online. At the time of this review, the overall review at Amazon (for example) was 4 out of 5 stars, from 19 reviews.

Most Relevant Customer Review Comments included...

5 of 5 stars"This bike is sturdy, smooth, and delivers a strong ride. I was completely surprised!..."

'It delivers the exact workout that I want, and it's built really well. I would suggest it to anyone looking for the spinning workout at home, and I believe that it's a good buy for its price range. The DVDs are awesome too; just like class! ..."

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