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Proform Hybrid Trainer Review
Dual-Action Elliptical Trainer and Recumbent Bike

Proform Hybrid Recumbent Elliptical TrainerThe Proform Hybrid Trainer is quite a unique fitness machine which gives you the upright, dual-action workout of an elliptical trainer and/or the seated workout of a recumbent exercise bike.

Both positions on this unit will give you the low impact, aerobic workout that you need to stay fit, lose weight and tone your muscles.

The upright elliptical trainer position gives you the upper and lower body workout while the seated (recumbent bike) position gives you more back support and a comfortable, low-impact workout of different muscle groups (glutes, hamstrings, and calves).

The pedaling motion used with the seated position of this unit is very similar to the pedaling motion of a Recumbent Exercise Bike. This is the same design as the Seated Elliptical or Recumbent Elliptical Bikes which are basically a cross between an Elliptical Trainer and a Recumbent Exercise Bike.

The Proform Hybrid Trainer actually gives you the features of a Recumbent Bike and a Dual-Action Elliptical Trainer all in one unit and for a lower cost than most Elliptical Trainers alone and for a much lower cost than an Elliptical Trainer and a Stationary Bike.

Note: The Proform Hybrid Trainer is currently On Sale at Proform. See Proform Price List for the latest price or to buy this hybrid trainer at the lowest price online.

Although there are a number of hybrid fitness products available today, there are some flimsy, low-end models and some less effective designs out there that you will want to stay away from.

The Proform Hybrid Trainer is based on main stream Elliptical Trainer and Recumbent models and is produced by Proform, one of the largest, well respected providers of quality Elliptical Trainers and Fitness Bikes.

Additional Benefits and Features of the Proform Hybrid Trainer

In addition to the benefits described above, you also get the advantage of having an Elliptical Trainer and a Recumbent for a more complete workout and more variety for yourself and/or the benefit of having both fitness units for different individuals and individual needs.

About-Bicycles Review

The Proform Hybrid Trainer is exactly what it says it is, a hybrid. With a hybrid you get the advantages of more than one product in a single product usually with some advantages and some trade-offs.

The Proform Hybrid Trainer is clearly a cross between a traditional Elliptical Trainer and a traditional Recumbent Exercise Bike.

The advantages that you get from this hybrid fitness machine is that you get the low impact, aerobic workout of both fitness products (an Elliptical and a Recumbent) with more variety and a more complete workout than on either of the individual units. You get the upper and lower body workouts of the Elliptical and the comfort and additional back support of the Recumbent.

You also get most of the benefits of both fitness products for the price of a mid-range Recumbent (which is generally less than the price of most Elliptical Trainers).

The disadvantages (or trade-offs) are that you have a shorter stride on the Elliptical (15 inch vs 18 inch, which is usually not as good as a longer stride for taller individuals) and you do not have the upper handlebar position or pedal straps (for upward resistance) of a Recumbent Bike.

Other trade-offs are that you will not get as many of the specific features for each unit that you can get with higher-end models of each fitness product. For example, you do not get the adjustable incline or adjustable stride length of higher-end Elliptical Trainers and you do not get the more compact size of a traditional exercise bike.

Although there are trade-offs with this hybrid, of course, the features and advantages of this product may very well be worth the trade-offs depending on your own individual needs, workout goals and budget.


Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health and circulation. Recumbent Stationary Bikes and Elliptical Trainers provide a safe, low impact aerobic exercise that has been used for fitness, health and physical therapy for years.

Inspire CS2 Features at a Glance:

  • Upper-Body Workout Arms for a total body workout
  • Dual-Grip EKG™ Heart Rate Monitor
  • Comfortable Recumbent Seat
  • 14 Digital Resistance Levels
  • 14 Workout Apps
  • Target Pacer - An indicator light tells you when to speed up or slow down to reach your weight-loss goals
  • Transport Wheels
  • Adjustable Leveling Feet
  • 350 lb. Weight Capacity
  • Inertia-Enhanced Flywheel
  • Console with LCD Window - Adjustable for viewing in seated or upright positions
  • RPM Meter - The built-in RPM Meter displays your revolutions per minute on the screen
  • Water Bottle Holder
  • Oversized Pedals
  • 15" Stride Length

Residential Warranty:

Frame: 5 Years
Parts and Labor: 90 Days