Bike Computer Stats – Average Speed, Mileage, What is Yours?

I just finished a nice ride tonight (17 miles) and I was thinking about what a geek I am when it comes to certain stats and things like my bike computer stats (I actually am a programmer by day so I do pretty much quality as a geek).

Anyway, I always reset my bike odometer at the beginning of each riding season and I keep track of the total miles that I ride, my average speeds, fastest speeds, etc.

I usually do about 1,000 to 2,000 miles per riding season (not bad for an old guy :-)). Most of my rides are usually from 11 to 20 miles although I do take some longer trips occasionally.

I am not a racer or competitive rider so on my normal touring style rides I usually average about 12 mph or so although recently I have been pushing myself a little more to get more exercise and I am a little faster now that we are well into riding season. When I push myself a little, like tonight, I just did 17 miles at an average speed of 14.1 mph.

This isn’t going to break any speed records or anything (unless there are some geriatric records that I could crack! 🙂 ) but it’s fun to go fast and it’s really great exercise (which also means it’s a lot of work too).

I just did a search for the average tour de france speed and the first site that came up said: “Fastest average tour: just less than 25 mph” so I think that my 14mph is at least respectable.

I know some of the new bike computers and bike GPS unitshave download options but my bike computer is not that fancy so I have to update my spreadsheet with my stats after each ride.

Also, speaking of bike computer stats, I just cracked the 1,000 mile mark on my bike computer tonight. I now have 1,012 miles for this season (so far)!

Although this is a bike blog and not really a forum, I do have this setup for easy comments and I am always curious what kinds of bike computer stats other people have based on their riding styles.

Anyway, if anyone out there would like to post their stats, please feel free to drop a line.

Thanks, Rob

1 thought on “Bike Computer Stats – Average Speed, Mileage, What is Yours?

  1. Good day Bruce. I was looking for dirt on myself and found your blog. Another Bruce Masterson who rides bike. Waddaya know?

    If you make it out to New England come ride with us.

    Bruce Masterson
    Outreach Coordinator
    Narragansett Bat Wheelmen

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