The Love of Bike Riding and Magazine Article

I was asked to co-write  a magazine article for a new start-up magazine, “Way of the Wilds” on the Fox River Trail (which is a pretty easy subject for me to write about since I have ridden the FRT so many times and have had some very memorable experiences on it) and as I was writing my part of the article, it occurred to me that some of what I was writing was sounding very familiar to me.

I started the article with a brief description of some of the benefits of bike riding and it turns out that a little over a year ago I wrote an article that was all about the love of bike riding and I went back to look at the web page article and it all came back to me. I remembered that I did put some effort into that article and it does express my feelings on the subject very well.

The web page article has an unusual theme and is mostly called “Bike Riding Nirvana“.  I was hoping that the article did not get totally lost on the Internet due to the unusual title and I checked Google for the underlying theme “the love of bike riding” and I don’t think that it got totally lost on the Internet since it comes up in the #1 position for that search term!

 Anyway, I did want to mention that web page and I think it’s always nice to consider some of the joys of cycling.

As for the new article, in the hard copy magazine, that will probably not be published until August or September so I’ll save more of the details on that one for after it comes out. Besides, I’m still just on the first draft for now.