Des Plaines River Trail Conditions 2010, DPRT Flooding

Wright Woods trail Flooding

Wright Woods about 3/4ths of the way around the outer loop

Well with the rivers being as high as they are right now, it’s no surprise that parts of the Des Plaines River Trail (DPRT) is flooded and some of the underpasses closed.

I have not been on the DPRT myself this year, but I just received an update from a friend who has just been on the trail. I also do not have the conditions for the entire trail but for the part of the trail around Route 60 and Wright Woods. 

My friend told me “The trail was mostly good with only a few puddles and damp spots but then there were a couple spots where it was completely flooded out.” 

Apparently the Route 60 underpass is closed and my friend just missed a good photo of the bike rider in the shot below as he was riding through the flooded underpass. There are cutoffs and ways to get around the flooded underpasses if you choose.

See the Des Plaines River Trail Flood Photos here. (I’ve moved the photos from the blog to a page for better formatting).

If anyone has any additional updates on the DPRT conditions, please feel free to add a comment to this post.

Photo copyright 2010. Compliments of Dale Kiffel.

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