Illinois Bike Trail Flooding.

I just took a ride on the Paul Douglas Bike Trail and found that it has flooded once again on the west side along Huntington/Freeman road. This page has some photos and updates if you are interested in the latest conditions on this trail (also see this blog post). 

I also just took a trip to WIU in Macomb and I noticed a LOT OF FLOODING the whole way. Basically, the lakes, rivers and streams in a lot of Illinois are very high or flooding right now.

I know from past experience that if my local trail (the Paul Douglas trail) is flooded, then I’m sure there is some flooding on the Des Plaines River Trail(DPRT) too. The DPRT is very close to the Des Plaines river and has highway underpasses that flood pretty often when the river is high.

The Fox River Trail (FRT) is mostly up a little higher and away from the river enough to where I have not run into flooding problems on that trail before myself.

I’ll add more updates as I ride these trails, but if any of you out there reading this blog have been out to any bike trails with flooding (or by the rivers that aren’t flooded), Id really appreciate a comment to this post for updates.

Thanks, Rob.

1 thought on “Illinois Bike Trail Flooding.

  1. Just a quick update on the Paul Douglas Bike Trail. When I rode the trail yesterday (5/19/2010) there was still a little flooding (about 1/2 to 1 inch in one location along Huntingtom/Freeman).

    Today, the trail is totally clear. There are some puddles in the flood area, but you can easily go around.

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