New Combination Cable Bike Lock

When I purchased my new Topeak bike bag a week or so ago, I also picked up a simple, combination cable bike lock.

Cable Bike Lock

Simple Combination Cable Bike Lock

As I mentioned in the bike security section of the Bicycle Locks page on this site, cable locks are not all that secure by themselves and are not nearly as good as a heavy duty U-Lock style bike lock.

So why get this kind of minimum security bike lock? Well, the answer is quite simple. I rarely leave my bike in a high risk area or unattended for any length of time and I just like the convenience of a simple light weight cable lock.

Generally, the only times that I need the lock is for a quick run into a store or maybe a restaurant and I usually leave my bike pretty much in site also.

So this kind of lock will work for my own particular needs but if you are looking for higher security please check in the the U-Locks on the Bicycle Locks page. I also have some other blog posts on the subject is you want to search the blog for “locks”.

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