Fox River Bike Trail Conditions 2010

I just checked out the construction on the FRT in South Elgin and am starting this blog post for the Fox River Trail conditions for 2010 even though I have not ridden the rest of the trail yet this year. 

FRT Construction

FRT Construction in South Elgin


I knew that the South Elgin construction was a major event on the trail so I wanted to check that out before planning any log trips on the FRT. 

I ended up taking quite a few photos and had quite a bit of additional information so I created a new page with the updates and photos (see the link below). 

There is quite a bit of information at the page/link below and in the 2009 FRT Bike Trail Conditions in this blog so I’m not going to rewrite all of that here but I do want to have this post available for additional updates on the Fox River Trail conditions. 

I’ll be updating post this as I ride more of the trail this year but if anyone else has updates on the FRT conditions, please feel free to add comments. 

For the Stearns Road Bridge construction information and photos see:  The Fox River Trail South Elgin Construction 

Thanks, Rob.