North Branch Trail ~ Ride and Photos from Glencoe to Chicago and Back

I finally got a chance to ride the entire North Branch Trail (15.5 miles one way) from Dundee Road (in Glencoe) to Devon Ave. in Chicago. Although I had ridden the northern part of the trail before I had never ridden the entire trail.

Deer in Miami Woods along the North Branch Trail

A deer in Miami Woods along the North Branch Trail

Actually, I really started on Lake-Cook Road north of the Chicago Botanic Gardens and rode through the Botanic Gardens to get to the northern end of the North Branch Trail (NBT). Although the NBT article is about the North Branch Trail, and not the Botanic Gardens, I also included a few Botanic photos too since this is a additional benefit to riding this trail.

On the North Branch Trail I was actually surprised at how you feel like you are totally out in the deep woods when, in reality,  you are actually never far from all this “civilization” around us. Although this trail has bridges over some of the main roads in this area there are some busy roads that you still have to cross and that reminds you about where you are until you ride off into the woods again.

The North Branch Trail winds through the northern suburbs of Chicago (including Niles, Morton Grove, Glenview, Northfield and Glencoe) and into the far north end of Chicago (into the Edgebrook neighborhood) following the North Branch of the Chicago River on the southern part of the trail and the Skokie River on the northern part of the trail.

This bike trail is all paved and in good condition, which is very nice, and the woods and scenery are also really nice. I rode the trail on a weekday so it was not too crowded but I know, from the last time that I rode the trail (and from what other people have told me), that this trail can get very crowded at peak times (which is not so nice). The only other thing that I did not like about this trail is that there are a number of busy roads that you need to cross. Although there are lights and crossing signals at the busy roads, you still have to wait and deal with traffic.

Even with the trail traffic and road crossings, this is still a very nice trail and I would recommend it for a good 30 mile bike ride (both ways) plus, as I mentioned you also have the option to ride into the Botanic Gardens, at the north end, which is great and can be a good photo-op (if you have a camera with you). You can see the full North Branch Trail Article and Photos here.

In the southern part of the trail, in the Miami Woods section, I stopped for a photo and happened to see a couple of deer near by (the photo above). They seemed very unconcerned about my presence. Posed for me a little then casually crossed the path right in front of me. Later I read (in Wikipedia) how the deer in these woods have been protected for many generations and have little fear of humans.

On one of my usual rides through the Paul Douglas forest preserve, a few days later, I also saw  at least 6 deer but in this area the deer acted as I expected. Once you got too close to them they took off.

When I finished riding the trial I crossed Dundee Road and rode through the Chicago Botanic Gardens. I was really enjoying taking photos at the Botanic Gardens in the early evening (just before sunset) but unfortunately for me, I parked in a forest preserve parking lot (on Green Bay Road) that closes and locks up at sunset and I was really nervous about my car getting locked in the forest preserve (actually, I think that is an on-going phobia of mine even though it’s never happened to me. I wonder how you would get you car out if they chained up the entrance… ?)

Anyway, if you are looking for a nice wooded and scenic trail in this area, see the North Branch Trail Article for the full trail article, ride report, photos and interactive GPS map of this trail and my ride.