New Exercise Bike Reviews and Best Buys.

I just completed some major updates to the exercise bike pages on this site (even though it is kind of the off season for fitness equipment) including a new “Best Buy” Exercise Bike page.

In the process of reviewing the exercise bike pages on this site, I have discovered that many of these bikes have really come down in price from the late fall early spring time frame.

Of course, this makes sense, since we are all getting outside now with the weather getting much better but if you are considering one of these machines, it really makes sense to get them this time of year.

Well, I hope that you like all of the additional exercise bike information that is out there now, the new format and the “Best Buy” page.

As for me, it is a BEAUTIFUL DAY right now (here in Chicagoland) and I need to get out on my regular outdoor bike for a ride!

I’m also in the market for some major outdoor bike accessories so stay tuned for more on that soon.

Later, Rob