Garmin Edge 800 Bicycle GPS Review

Now that I have had my Garmin Edge 800 GPS Bike Computer for over a month now, have purchased and tested 3 different GPS mapping software packages and the heart-rate monitor, have tried out a majority of the features and tested this thing on numerous bike rides, I have completed the Garmin Edge 800 Review as promised in an earlier post.

Garmin Edge 800 Gpe Enabled Bike Computer

Garmin Edge 800 Bike GPS Review

I tried hard to keep my review of the Edge 800 at a fairly high level and not get too involved in all of the little nitty-gritty details but in the end it ended up getting much more detailed than I was shooting for. It’s just hard to cover something like that in a few paragraphs and have anything meaningful to say.

Well for better or worse (for longer or shorter) it is done!

You can see the full Garmin Edge 800 Bike BPS Review HERE.

I included some basic information on the Edge 800 and a brief summary of some of the best features before actually getting into my own review of the product.

I’m not going to repeat the information on the review page here but one little hint that I thought was worth repeating here is what I called the “Baggie Technique/Hint“.  I mentioned this in the Edge 800 review and I actually used this technique on my Green Bay Bike Trail ride (described below).

Basically I keep some cellophane baggies and rubber bands (mostly for my electronics) in my bike bag in case it starts to rain while I am out riding. It actually did start to rain while I was out on the Green Bay Trail last week and I stopped and put my camera in the large baggie (then in my bike bag) and covered the Edge 800 and my other Bike Computer with 2 more baggies.

This actually works great. It keeps the electronics dry and they still work and you can still use them on your ride. Most of these devices say that they are water resistant but I still like to play it safe when it comes to my bike electronics and rain.