2012 Fuji Newest Review

Now that outdoor bike riding season is just around the corner (here in Chi Town, it probably is already good riding season in other parts of the country), I have been doing some bike shopping and new bike reviews.

2012 Fuji Newest 1.0 Sport Bike

2012 Fuji Newest 1.0 Road/Sport Bike

One of the bikes that I just checked out at the Performance Bike shop by us is the 2012 Fuji Newest. This bike actually fits my main riding style much better than the bike I have now and although I’ll probably keep my current road bike (a Trek 1500) for now, but I would actually very seriously consider Fuji Newest for my next bike.

First off, if you’ve read the other Fuji bike reviews on this site, you know that I do like Fuji Bikes as a brand. Although they make some low end models, most of their models have multiple price/component levels and you can usually upgrade to the higher end version that comes equipped with better components.

As for the Fuji Newest (which BTW, has been around for years so the name is a little odd), this bike is made for everyday road and trail (bike path) riding and/or even commuting. Although the bike is relatively light and has drop down handlebars, this is not a racing bike. Fuji calls it a Road/Sport bike and I actually think of it as like a hybrid (in many ways) with drop down handlebars (my personal preference).

Well, I have written up more of the details, specs and stuff on the new Fuji Newest Bike Review page so I don’t want to start repeating all of that here, but I will mention that this is actually a very nice bike if your riding style fits what I have described above and it is very affordable.

Well, it’s daylight savings time so that usually signals the beginning of the riding season for me! Can’t wait!