Inspire CS2 Dual Action Recumbent Elliptical

OK, we are back to winter here again in Chicagoland (just had a little snow storm here yesterday) and I have also taken a step back to do another Fitness Equipment review.  I have had some inquiries about Dual Action Recumbent Bikes recently and I did some research and also visited a local Specialty Fitness store near by to check out a very interesting machine that I had seen there once before.

What I am talking about is the Inspire CS2 Recumbent Elliptical or Seated Elliptical. Although this is technically not an exercise bike it is similar to recumbent exercise bikes in many ways and definitely worth checking out.

Inspire Dual Action Recumbent Elliptical

Inspire CS2 Recumbent Elliptical

One of the emails that I received was from a guy looking for a Dual Action Recumbent for his wife who has Parkinson’s  and who wanted a Dual Action machine for a therapeutic and aerobic fitness routine.

I knew that Dual Action Recumbent Exercise Bikes were not all that common but I started to do some research which is what lead me to the Seated Ellipticals. I replied to the email and it turned out that that was exactly what this man and his wife had in mind and he had confirmed that this was what his wife had used at their health club.

Since a number of visitors to this site are looking for Dual Action fitness equipment I decided to check out these machines both online and at the b&m stores. I actually did quite a bit of research and I found that these are very comfortable fitness machines that give you a good upper and lower body workout with plenty of support so, even though these are technically not “Bikes” (actually exercise bikes are not technically bikes either) I decided to write up a few reviews on these machines for this site.

The 2 brands that I liked the best, and saw in the specialty fitness stores, were Inspire and Octane. You can find the Inspire CS2 Recumbent Elliptical Review here and I will be reviewing a few more of these soon.

Then we’ll get back to bikes and riding season! (hopefully).