Exercise Bike Updates

Here’s the latest updates on the About-Bicycles Exercise Bike pages. The weather has taken a turn for the worse here in Chicagoland and since I haven’t been able to get out a ride the trails today, I’ve been doing some really good work on the Exercise Bike pages on this site.

I am actually planning on doing many more significant updates to the exercise bike pages and this is really just the first step to putting the new format into place.

Although cyclists do have and use exercise bikes and trainers (bike stands for your regular outdoor bike),  many of the visitors to this site are primarily interested in exercise bikes (as fitness equipment) and are not really interested in all of the other bike pages, bike accessory pages and bike trails articles on this site.

Therefore, the most significant change that I have made is to use a different web page template for the Exercise Bike page on this site so if you are browsing the site for exercise bikes, you will have all of the exercise bike links easily accessible (and always in the same position) on the side bars.

In addition the the new template, I have also reviewed the existing exercise bikes and trainers that we currently recommend and validated the current prices for these bikes at the merchants that we recommend.

Although the exercise bikes that we recommend are excellent choices, unfortunately, there are currently not a large number of exercise bikes listed on the site for comparison. We do intend to be upgrading the exercise bike section of this site quite extensively in the next few months (in addition to the regular bike, bike product and bike trails information on this site) so if you are looking for fitness equipment (exercise bikes, trainers, etc.) stay tuned and check back soon.