About-Bicycles Bike Blog Registration Updates.

This is just an administrative note on the About-Bicycles Bike Blog.

I must apologize to those who have registered to this bike blog with the intention of contributing to the blog. I had the default registration setup for “subscriber” rather than for “contributor”.

I believe that blog comments were still allowed but not new posts.

I have changed the default registration to “contributor”.  I believe that I will still need to approve new posts but I will see how that goes. At the moment, I do not get so much volume that I can’t handle the reviews and I do check the entries daily.

I am leaving the approval process in for now to avoid unwanted spam on the blog. I do have some spam filters but as we all know spammers do attempt to get their message out there to irritate the rest of us.

Anyway, I hope this new default registration role helps and please feel free to add comments. As long as the posts are legit bike related info and not spam or unethical, I will approve them quickly.

1 thought on “About-Bicycles Bike Blog Registration Updates.

  1. OK, sorry for the blog admin problems. I have written “blogs” for years, but was not using a blogging program (i.e. WordPress) so I am still working on getting this setup properly.

    I finally found the admin part of WordPress where I allow user comments. It was setup so that you had to register and login to enter a comment which is more than most people are willing to do.

    Well, I’ve just changed that so anyone can enter comments (without registering) now.

    As I mentioned above, I am leaving the approval process in for now to avoid unwanted spam on the blog and I am also requesting a name and valid email in order to submit an entry.

    Anyway, I believe that this change will actually open up the comments now and please feel free to add comments . As long as the posts are legit bike related info and not spam or unethical, I will approve them quickly.

Comments are closed.