Algonquin Road / Paul Douglas Bike Trail Conditions – 2009


I just rode the Algonquin Road and Paul Douglas Bike Trails today (7/15) and there is construction going on in many places in the “new” trail sections (around Paul Douglas forest preserve and just past Penny Road through the Crabtree preserve).

I guess that the new trail is still under warranty 🙂 (It’s been less than a year since it’s been open).

As of today, there are about 5 patches of construction between Ela Road and the Grassy Ridge Meadow forest preserve entrance. The area that used to flood (along Freeman/Huntington Roads just north of  Lakewood) is closed and there are a few more patches on the western end of the trail starting at Penny Road.

Trail Closed north or Lakewood on Huntington/Freeman

Trail Closed north of Lakewood along Huntington/Freeman

I didn’t have my camera but got a shot of the construction area with my phone camera.

I think this may actually be a very good thing especially if they fix the area that floods just north of Lakewood.

I did walk around the trail closed signs to see what they were doing in that area and the path is completely removed (to gravel) but I did not see any new bridges or drainage pipes under the trail. I am hoping that they have just not gotten to that yet.

It is still possible to ride the entire trail but the construction patches slow you down although you can easily walk around or sometimes ride around the areas being worked on.

You must detour around the area along Hunington/Freeman just north of Lakewood (this is an easy detour of about 1/10th of a mile on Hunington/Freeman, which is fairly wide and there is not that much traffic in that area.

If you would like more information or to see the photos or video of this trail, see The Algonquin Road Trail.

I am very close to this trail so I will ride it occasionally and post updates when I have them.

1 thought on “Algonquin Road / Paul Douglas Bike Trail Conditions – 2009

  1. As of today (7/27/09), the bike trail repairs on the Paul Douglas part of the trail have been completed!
    I did not ride the Crabtree part of the trail but my guess is that it would probably also be done since they usually work on these at the same time.

    They raised the trail in the flood area and I saw at least one drainage pipe that they added under the trail.

    Hopefully we will not have any additional flooding problems now. Only time will tell for sure.

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