Dressing, Preparing for Bike Rides Based on the Weather

Bike Weather CloudsIt’s finally here. Bike Riding Season!!! Well for those of us that are not able to (or do not choose to) ride all year long. Since the season, is just beginning, for many of us, I waned to include some helpful hints on Dressing for Bike Rides in Various Weather Conditions.

For me, when bike riding season begins in the spring (and to some degree when it is ending in the fall), I often have a hard time deciding what to wear based on the weather conditions. Many years ago I wrote an article for this website on “How to Dress for Bike Rides in Any Weather” and I have found the hints on that page to be very helpful in deciding how to dress for bike rides (especially in the spring and fall).

Although the hints on the  page above provide a decent overall guide on how to dress and be comfortable on bike rides, the categories are a little vague since it is in 10 degree increments (like temperatures between 50-59, 60-69, etc.) and there are a lot of temperatures in between and various wind combinations that really dictate what to wear.

What I do now, which is the main hint that I want to pass along, is to keep track of the temperatures, wind conditions and overall weather (like sunny, cloudy, etc.) along with a description of what I wore and how comfortable it was in a file on my computer – For those of you that prefer pen and paper (which I usually refer to as papyrus) or for those of you that use your cell phones for everything, those options should work just as well.

Then, after I have a log of the information above and when I am planning my next ride and am not sure what to wear, I just check my log and find the nearest weather conditions and use that as a guide. I have found this to be really helpful.

Next Related Topic: One more closely related topic that I have written about a few times and have found helpful myself and that other visitors to this website have told me they have found helpful, is just to be sure to check the weather radar for possible rain or showers just before going on a long ride or even while you are on your ride (if you have a cell phone with a radar app for example).

For more on this you can search for the keyword “radar” in the search box (shown above)  for this blog.

So Enjoy your Rides – Comfortably!

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