Good Riding Weather before the Holidays and Holiday Sales

I can’t believe it but I am still adding more bike miles to my bike computer for the 2012 riding season. We have been lucky recently and have had some excellent riding weather here in the Chicagoland area.

It has been into the 50s and 60s the last few days and it’s been really nice for riding if you can get out in the warmer part of the day. Of course, there is a lot less daylight riding time at this time of the year and I have noticed that the temperature seems to drop pretty quickly when it starts getting close to sunset. I don’t usually get a lot of riding in during the week of Thanksgiving but I’ll take it if I can get it.

The other thing that I wanted to mention, which I’m sure you are all painfully aware of (with the xmas commercials revving up for the holiday season) is that we are starting to see some of the big sales happening online and I know that later this week it is going to go absolutely crazy.

I have been watching this closely and I’ll be posting cycling product updates on the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on our Specials pages.

For example, we’ll have Bike and Bike Accessories sales and promotions on our Bike Sales, Promotions, Special Deals and Discounts page and  Fitness Bike sales and promotions on our Exercise Bike Special Deals and Discounts page.

Also I put together a page for page for bike rider and cyclist gift ideas last year and I just made some minor updates to it for this year. I didn’t have to make a lot of major changes because most of the cycling products that made good gifts for cyclists before still make for good gifts now! Anyway, see our Bike Rider Gift Ideas and Gifts for Cyclists page for bike rider gift ideas if this is something that you are interested in.