2013 Bike Trail and Cycling Events Calendar

I’ve just completed putting together the 2013 Bike Trail and Cycling Events Calendar and have also updated our Cycling Events Page with the 2013 dates for many major cycling events and rides in the Chicagoland area and Midwest in general. 2013 Bike Trail and Cycling Events Calendar

I just discovered that many people start looking for the next year’s calendar right after Thanksgiving so I hope I’m not too late in getting this together. I know there will still be people looking for a 2013 Calendar through out December and especially just before and after New Years Day.

This calendar is available in PDF and Excel formats and is designed so that each month will fit on one standard ~ 8.5″x11″ ~ size sheet of paper.

I think that the PDF and Excel formats give you a lot of flexibility with viewing online, downloading and viewing on your computer or other devices or to print (one month at a time or all 12 months at once) if you would like a hardcopy.

Personally, I like to have a hardcopy version of the calendar that I hang on my wall. You may not get the same quality, depending on your printing capabilities, as you would with a store bought calendar but there are some nice bike trail and cycling related photos and the calendar includes US holidays and cycling events in the Midwest in the body of the calendar.

You can use this calendar for quick references, for easily printing a specific month on a standard size sheet of paper or you can print all 12 months in high quality, on fancy paper and bind together in a variety of ways. That part is completely up to you. I am just trying to provide an handy and easy to use calendar (related to cycling of course).

The photos on this years calendar were all taken this year and include photos from bike trails in the Chicagoland area and the Midwest and cycling events in our area such as the MB Financial Bike the Drive (on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago) and the Tour or Elk Grove professional bike racing event.

You can find more information and the 2013 cycling calendars on the 2013 Bike Trails and Events Calendar Page here.

I have also spent some time looking up the dates for many of the major cycling rides and events in our area and have included the 2013 dates and links to the websites that sponsor these events on our Special Cycling Events Page.

Well, here’s to a Happy 2013 and a lot of enjoyable cycling miles and activities!

Good Riding Weather before the Holidays and Holiday Sales

I can’t believe it but I am still adding more bike miles to my bike computer for the 2012 riding season. We have been lucky recently and have had some excellent riding weather here in the Chicagoland area.

It has been into the 50s and 60s the last few days and it’s been really nice for riding if you can get out in the warmer part of the day. Of course, there is a lot less daylight riding time at this time of the year and I have noticed that the temperature seems to drop pretty quickly when it starts getting close to sunset. I don’t usually get a lot of riding in during the week of Thanksgiving but I’ll take it if I can get it.

The other thing that I wanted to mention, which I’m sure you are all painfully aware of (with the xmas commercials revving up for the holiday season) is that we are starting to see some of the big sales happening online and I know that later this week it is going to go absolutely crazy.

I have been watching this closely and I’ll be posting cycling product updates on the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on our Specials pages.

For example, we’ll have Bike and Bike Accessories sales and promotions on our Bike Sales, Promotions, Special Deals and Discounts page and  Fitness Bike sales and promotions on our Exercise Bike Special Deals and Discounts page.

Also I put together a page for page for bike rider and cyclist gift ideas last year and I just made some minor updates to it for this year. I didn’t have to make a lot of major changes because most of the cycling products that made good gifts for cyclists before still make for good gifts now! Anyway, see our Bike Rider Gift Ideas and Gifts for Cyclists page for bike rider gift ideas if this is something that you are interested in.

Tour of California, Proform TDF and REI Sale

I just have a couple of updates that I thought were important to post today. First, Today is the final stage of the Tour of California bike race ~ from Beverly Hills to LA which is on NBC at noon (at least here in the Chicago area). It’s not le Tour de France, of course, but this is a major bike race with plenty of professional riders (some that have been or will be in the TDF) and it is a lot of fun to watch.

I also noticed that they ran a Proform TDF Spin Bike commercial a few times throughout the broadcast of yesterdays race and that Proform is offering Free Shipping (which is a good deal but not something that they did not have before) and I believe that they may have been offering Free Rush Shipping also (which would be nice but I was not able to confirm that just yet). I will check this out today and update this post if I can confirm this.

The other important news is that this is the time of year when the REI Anniversary Sale is going on. If you familiar with REI then you know that their sales are actually legit and are really good on a lot of their products. This particular sale also applies to many of the Bikes on Sale at REI and you can get up to 15% off on some of their bikes (and they actually carry a lot of great bikes online).

See our May Deals and Discounts page for more of the details and the details on the Performance Bike Sale that is going on now too.

This is the time of year that a lot of stores are doing their Memorial Day and Beginning of Summer Sales so if you’re looking for Bikes or Cycling Products (or actually any outdoor gear) then this is a good time to get what you need.



Digitize Your Ride ~ With Garmin Edge 800 Bike Computer

Garmin Edge 800 Bike Computer

Garmin Edge 800 Bike Computer

I’ve been giving my new Garmin Edge 800 GPS Bike Computer quite a workout and review lately and I gotta admit, I really love this thing! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am a little bit of a techno geek anyway and, of course, I love to ride. Bike GPS computers (like the Edge 800) are perfect for people with this combination of traits.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have just purchased the additional maps for my unit (City Navigator, TOPO Maps and Rails-to-Trails). Well, I have received, loaded and used all of these products now and I’ll give you my first impressions of these software products after a brief review of some of the new things that I have been discovering on the Edge 800 and some of the things that I really like about this GPS  unit.

First of all, I really like the touch-screen. I almost always swipe the screen to switch between windows and almost never use the arrows on the screen. I have also used this with gloves on it it works great (actually maybe even better than with no gloves on).

One of the other features that is also really great is the programmable screens on this unit. It is really easy to change the windows that are displayed on each screen and it’s great to be able to arrange them in almost anyway that you like (some screens have some limitations but most are pretty flexible) in addition to being able to select which screens are even displayed or not. You can include up to 10 windows on most screens (the photo above shows 8).

When you have made up your mind and decide to upgrade to a GPS enabled Bike Computer, we have included some good information and online resources Here on our Bicycle GPS page.

Today I just discovered the window that displays “Grade” and gives you the percentage up or down grade that you are on at anytime (there seems to be a very slight delay as to when the grade is displayed but that is not really a problem).

I was also paying attention to the total ascent and total decent windows. It’s nice to know how much of your ride has been uphill and how much has been downhill. They are close to the same at the end of a round trip ride (although there are some minor variances). Unfortunately, the unit does not come with both the ascent and descent windows on the same screen with the default settings. Of course, that’s not a problem because you can just program one of the screens to include both (which I am going to do before my next ride).

The upload and download features of the Edge 800 are really nice too, of course. The Training Center Software is pretty basic and it would be nice if that gave you a little more but the Garmin Connect site and software is loaded with features.

Finally, the MicroSD slot for loading additional maps is great. This is one of the reasons that you pay more for the Edge then for the lower priced models but IMO it is well worth it. The Base Map that the units come with is pretty limited (very few smaller side roads and no bikes trails (that I’ve seen)) so it is nice to be able to include additional maps.

Which brings me nicely into my last topic that I referred to above:

Garmin Bike GPS Mapping Software

I’ll start with the least expensive GPS maps that I have recently purchased which is the Rails-to-Trails maps. This is actually a nice addition to the TOPO or City Navigator maps (described below), can be used at the same time as the other maps (when you select the download) and it only costs $10. The Rails-to-Trails software is for a smaller area so you’ll need to select the correct map for your region (I have the Northeast version). These maps do not include ALL the trails in a particular area but it does have most of them (even some smaller, lesser known trails).

The next mapping package that I used was the TOPO Maps. Actually I really didn’t think that I would use this particular mapping package that much but now that I have it it just may be the primary mapping software that I use. This package does include plenty of bike trails and it also includes small side streets and subdivision streets as well as having the points-of-interest to reference.

The last mapping software package that I received was the City Navigator software. It’s actually redundant (to have both the TOPO and City Navigator software)  because you can only use either the TOPO card or City Navigator card in the unit at any one time.  It might be nice to have both once in a while but you really should probably decide which one of these mapping products suits you the best and just select one of them.

The City Navigator package includes all of North America (the version that I bought) where the TOPO software is limited to a smaller area (I have the Great Lakes version which includes the Chicago area where I live).  City Navigator has more points-of-interest than the TOPO package but the TOPO maps do include many of the important POIs. City Navigator does include some bike trails but it does not seem to be  nearly as extensive or detailed as the TOPO package.

On my ride today, I was just thinking about this vast amount of ride data that I now have (speeds, averages, distances, elevations, maps, heart-rate, lap info, ascents, descents…) and how my whole ride has been digitized for me enjoy and review later if I like (which I usually do).

That’s about it for the latest Bike GPS updates for now. These things really are a lot of fun. Check out Bicycle GPS for some good info and resources if you are considering getting one of these units.


GPS Mapping Software Purchases and REI Sale

I have a couple of loosely related topics that I wanted to mention today.

First off, I just purchased the major mapping software for my new Garmin Edge 800 Bike Computer. This is actually one of the reasons why I bought the more expensive high-end model rather than one of the less expensive models.

After my purchase of the Edge 800, I realized that the touch-screen is an excellent feature 100 and I am really glad that I got the touch-screen model. It is really nice to be able to swipe the screen while riding to switch between the various screens.

Garmin Mapping Software Purchases

Garmin Mapping Software ~ for cycling

Getting back to the mapping software, I bought the 2012 version of City Navigator, the TOPO maps (for the Great Lakes region, which is the area where I live) and I even purchased a copy of Rails-to-Trails for our area.

I got the Rails-to-Trails maps directly from the Garmin site and that was a download so I already have that on on my GPS unit. It looks like this software actually has all the major bike trails in our area. I have already been on most of the trails that are close to me but I can’t wait to check this out when I am further away and close to some trails that I have not been on. You can also use the free Garmin Basecamp software to browse the bike trails that are loaded on to the GPS unit. This feature looks like it will be great for planning bike trips.

I bought the City Navigator software from Amazon because they had the latest 2012 version. This software is sold on a micro SD card which I have not received yet. I am looking forward to getting this software for the points of interest that it comes with as well as being able to see local roads (the base map that the units come with only shows major highways and it pretty limited).

I am not sure if the TOPO maps are going to be as useful for my own particular style of riding but I really wanted to check this out to see exactly what it does have. I bought the TOPO maps from REI and was able to use my REI annual rebate on the purchase along with getting 20% off.

REI Sale, until April 15th 2012

REI 20% Off Sale, until April 15th 2012

This, of course, leads me right to the next topic which is the sale that REI is having right now. REI is currently having one of their major sales that will be going on until April 15th. They are offering 20% off of one item (online or at the stores). They also just gave out their annual dividend which is a rebate that they give REI Members on anything that you buy at the store. This is actually a good deal even though there is a one-time fee of $20 (which is a lifetime membership).

There are some limitations on the 20% off deal but I was still able to use it on the Garmin software. It does say that GPS devices are exclueded but apparently not GPS software. Bike are also excluded except for  REI store brand Novara Bikes which are actually pretty nice bikes (much nicer than the big box store bikes).

At any rate, the 20% off deal is nice (and I took advantage of that one) so if you’re looking for some cycling products (or other outdoor stuff) you have until April 15th for this one.

One final note, I just did a major face-lift on the Bicycle GPS page on our website. I had originally posted this page many years ago (before bike GPS computers were even sold at many places and still very primitive) and although I have updated the page each year, there was some pretty out of date stuff that I needed to clean up. I have also checked all the links for the latest GPS products and deals so this page can be helpful when you’re looking for Bike GPS Computers or related products.

About-Bicycles Page and Blog Posts on Facebook

About-Bicycles.com is Goin Social!

Yep, I finally launched the About-Bicycles.com business page on Facebook so for the many of you that have subscribed to this blog you now have another way to get our updates and read these blog posts.

The About-Bicycles Facebook Page.

The About-Bicycles Facebook Page.

Here’s a link to the new About-Bicycles Facebook page. This page is new so we really don’t have much content out there just yet, but there will be soon.

Also, if I did the setup correctly, these blog posts should automatically be posted to the About-Bicycles Facebook page so if you choose to Follow About-Bicycles on Facebook, you can get our blog posts right there in Facebook instead of visiting us here on our website ~ of course, you are always welcome to come out here as often as you like too :-).

I have also setup this blog to be tweeted via our Twitter account About_Bicycles.

So come on out to the  About-Bicycles Facebook page and “Like” us and Follow Us! Let’s get social!

Bike Rider Gift Ideas and Cyclist Gift Shop

Yep, it is that time of year again and time for our annual Bike Rider Gift Ideas and Cyclist Gift updates.

When you are looking for gifts for bike riders you can simply go to Amazon or any other large internet website and browse their cycling products – or – you can get ideas from those of us who have spent countless hours riding, have ridden thousands of miles and have used and researched numerous cycling products.

Some of the most popular gifts for cyclists are often Bike Electronic items such as Bike Computers (magnet transmitter or GPS based),  Heart Rate monitors, Helmet Cams and Bike Lights.

The big news for 2011 is that GPS Based Bike Computers have come WAY down in price from where they were last year or even at the beginning of the summer. Last year, the high-end Garmin units (like the Edge 705) were selling for $700 to $800. This year you can get these units for $400 to $450 and you can get the more basic units for even less.

I was going to post the other cyclist gift ideas in this blog entry (as I did last year) but since there are so many gift ideas and online resources, I have decided to post a separate web page for Cycling Gifts and Resources this year.

For more excellent gift ideas and resources see our new Bike Rider, Cyclist Gift Ideas page.

Small Business Saturday for Exercise Bikes, Bikes and Bike Accessories

We  have all been seeing these commercials for Small Business Saturday recently and I was thinking that this is actually a really good idea but the commercial ads seem to be all about Brick and Mortar Small Businesses.

Although support for the B&M businesses is  totally legit and it makes a lot of sense to support them, it may not be real obvious that there are a lot of Small Businesses Online (like about-bicycles.com ), that provide a great service through our research and product reviews, that may be overlooked as being small businesses.

So when you are looking  to support Small Businesses Online, keep in mind that we here at about-bicycles.com are a small business that can only survive through your support.

Our passion is Bikes, Bike Products and Accessories and Fitness Bikes and Fitness Equipment. We spend a great deal of time and effort researching and reviewing Bikes, Bike Accessories, Exercise Bikes, Trainers and Indoor Cycles.

When you purchase items through the online merchants that we recommend they help to support our web site.

So please browse our site for the Bikes, Bike Accessories, Kids Bikes, and Exercise Bikes and Indoor Cycles and if you find helpful cycling information and/or reviews please keep in mind that when you click through to our recommended merchants (usually large businesses) and purchase an item, you are still supporting a small online business.

Thanks for your support.

Rob – www.about-bicycles.com

Bike Computers/Speedometers and GT Bikes 15% Off through 8/17/2011

As I was updating all of the Bike Prices on this website for today, I noticed that Performance Bike has a sale going on where they are taking 15% off of all “Outlet” items through Wednesday, 8/17.

This sale is actually for 15% off of the lowest sale price listed and works out pretty well for the items that are on sale at Performance, including bikes.

I found that ALL of the GT bikes (Road, Mountain and Hybrid) on this website quality for the 15% off at Performance. So if you have been looking for a GT Bike, this is a good time to check out what they have on sale at Performace.  See any of the GT Bikes listed here.

There are quite a few other items that qualify for the 15% off sale at Performance including Bike Computers/Speedometers so if you are looking for a new (or first) Bike Computer  (or any other bike accessory) check out the Performance Sale that is going on now through Wednesday.

Best Summer Bike Sale at Performance.

Sorry I am a little late on this but I just found out about the 15% off sale at Performance Bike and I know from past experience that this is a great sale especially since it includes an additional 15% off of the sale price already listed for bikes.

So if you are looking for the bikes that qualify for this sale at Performance see our Bikes For Sale Online page. If you are looking for accessories that are on sale see our Bike Accessories page.

I have included big red banners for the bikes that qualify for this sale on all of the related Bike Sale and Bike Review pages (this primarily includes GT, Fuji and Schwinn but there are other manufacturers on sale).

I did not include the big red banners for the bike accessories since this applied to any bike accessory that is for sale at Performance once your order is over $75, See our Bike Accessories page for information and easy access to the most popular bike accessories.